The Bandwagon Sessions #6: ANECHOIS


We're taking the streets this time! In Season 2 of the Bandwagon Sessions, we hit the outdoors with the our bands and artists. Where in Season 1, we kept to the vicinity of our office HQ, we decided on a breath of fresh air, quite literally, for this one. So look out for familiar streets and landmarks in the background, we wanted to go as public as we could with the music this time, part takeaway show, part STB promotional video (jokes). And if you have chanced upon us while filming in the streets, here's the final product! 


If you enjoyed Gentle Bones serenading you at Geylang last week, we’ll switching it up a bit with this week’s instalment of the Bandwagon Sessions. You’re probably more accustomed to listening to post-rock music in a small setting or a quiet room - but here we have the guys of ANECHOIS playing among uncles in Chinatown. It’s noisy, and lively and definitely not where you think you’d stumble upon the band.